Motivation Archives - Page 5 of 5 - Dr. Steven Geanopulos

Dr. Steven Geanopulos


Did you choose the wrong parents? What your genes reveal.

For each of us, the importance of genetics is not in knowing what diseases are in your genetic code. Diseases are not determined by genetics the way that genetics will determine our red hair, green eyes, and number of fingers and toes. The idea that you have the MS gene, the diabetes gene (type 1 or 2), the heart disease […]

Beware of conventional wisdom

When we hear the words conventional wisdom, we think of that which is tried and true and has withstood the test of time. Conventional wisdom, by definition, is a generally accepted belief system. What if conventional wisdom is wrong? What if conventional wisdom can hurt or even kill you? I spent my entire career, with colleagues across the country, redefining […]

6 keys to alleviate fitness frustration

Have you purchased a home exercise program? Is it gathering dust? It’s late night; you are lying in bed with your eyes open, wide-awake after just 3 hours of sleep. You know there is no chance of getting back to bed. To save yourself from your internal dialogue driving you mad, you turn on the television. There is an image […]

Getting to know yourself by getting to know Dr. G

“How do you where I am at, when you’ve haven’t been where I’ve been, understand where I am coming from” – Cypress Hill Most of us know what its like to try to explain a complex set of symptoms in a way that could give the doctor the best information possible to help you come up with a solution; and then […]

You have what it takes!

This is your personal journey to; not to be traveled alone. “Lose yourself in the music, the moment you own it, you better never let it go, you only get one shot do miss your chance to blow, this opportunity comes once in a lifetime” – Marshall Mathers What I can do for you can never equal or replace what you […]