Getting to know yourself by getting to know Dr. G - Dr. Steven Geanopulos

Dr. Steven Geanopulos

Getting to know yourself by getting to know Dr. G

Posted on July 13, 2015 by Dr. G

“How do you where I am at, when you’ve haven’t been where I’ve been, understand where I am coming from” – Cypress Hill

Most of us know what its like to try to explain a complex set of symptoms in a way that could give the doctor the best information possible to help you come up with a solution; and then after you’ve done your best, you get that stare from your doctor which seems to say “huhhh?”  Then comes the battery of diagnostic tests and series of prescriptions you didn’t ask for and you are left with a feeling of being misunderstood and the few minutes you got to spend with an expert was wasted.

Sometimes I wish I did not have first hand experience to know what so many of my patients go through.  If you’ve read my personal story, you can appreciate that I have intimate experience with some of the most common chronic symptoms related to pain, unexplained weight gain, stomach and digestive symptoms, sleep disorders, depression, fatigue, injuries, brain fog, etc.

At the same time I am, of course grateful that I have had these symptoms and illnesses.  I can hear and listen to my patients and clients with complete empathy and compassion; but I can also say, “try this or do that, it has worked for me” or don’t bother with this or with that, you are barking up the wrong tree and you’ll waste your time and money”.  My gratitude however is not merely that I can be a better, more compassionate understanding doctor.  That’s just part of it.  Much of my gratitude is more self-centered.

I would never have lived the past 10 years of my life as healthy as I have been.  I am grateful for that.  My family medical history is one that should be avoided at all costs.  I would not have raised my children with such an emphasis on health and vitality as I have.  In my case it took my own illnesses, injuries and ultimately healing to convince me of the changes I needed to make.  This has allowed me to live with complete confidence in knowing how powerful healing can be and how capable all of us are of healing naturally.  I am also humbled by the fact that you can be healthy, happy and productive even if you have a diagnosis that is not going to go away.  Expressing health in the face of certain medical realities and limitations, this has been truly transformative.  I have a deeper understanding of the limitations medical professionals have.

Early in my career I practiced with emphasis on the fact that all of my patients are humans and therefore have the same genetic needs for the expression of health and healing.  I would (and I still do) re-create the optimal environment where health can be expressed resulting in the sick getting well.  For most of us that principle and way of practicing is still the best path.

Later I learned how important it is to discover the things that make each of us truly unique.  Our uniqueness can help determine one of many different pathways to helping people quickly experience healing for their particular unique story, set of symptoms or diagnosis.  This is especially true for the sickest among us; and those with challenging family and personal medical histories.


Thanks for reading!


Now it is your turn. Tell me about you. I would love to learn more about your health goals. Share in the comment section below. 

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