Fitness Archives - Dr. Steven Geanopulos

Dr. Steven Geanopulos


Vitamin D Update: What you need to know

What does it mean to be sufficient. Vitamin D is a topic we’ve discussed before but its worth updating and revising.  Vitamin D sufficiency is technically defined by having enough vitamin D to carry out all of the vitamin D needs you have.  This can vary from person to person. Vitamin D levels in your blood can be impacted by: […]

Listen to Dr.G interviewed by legendary podcaster Ben Greenfield

Dr. G and Ben Velazquez: Concussion and Brain Health Who is Ben Greenfield This interview was quite an honor and a treat for me.  The Ben Greenfield Fitness podcast is one of the oldest, most popular, health and fitness podcasts in the world.  Ben is extremely bright considers himself as an immersive journalist.  A journalist that engages his body and […]

Is Coffee a Health Food or Not?

Coffee is by far the most researched food in the world.  After centuries of myth, conventional wisdom, rumor and poor research we have finally begun asking the right questions  and the overwhelming majority of the evidence is YES, coffee is a health food. You may find that coffee can be an excellent addition to your daily routine in the form […]

Jillian Michaels has no credibility.

“Jillian Michaels urges fans to stay away from the Keto diet.” Is the title of the article published in Prevention Magazine on May 21st 2018. The fitness trainer called keto a “diet fad” that doesn’t make sense for most people.  Included in this article are concerns raised by Jillian and other healthcare “experts” Here is my response. The Prevention magazine […]

That’s just OFFAL:

Anti aging coming from an unlikely place  Is food getting boring.  How much variety do you really have?  After all, diversity of food contributes to more fun in your kitchen, more energy for you to get things done and far better personal health in general.   Are you looking to make a change to your lifestyle that will contribute to adding […]

Extreme fitness and health or DEATH.

These were the only options for thousands of years. How micro-dosing that, which gave our ancestors extreme fitness and health and at the same time a high probability of  death, can be an effective strategy for anti-aging, health restoration and fitness. I woke up this morning and the previous 2 mornings in a bedroom that was 37 degrees.  Here in […]