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Dr. Steven Geanopulos


A little light dispels a lot of darkness

Can light improve my: Thyroid? Immune system / Autoimmunity? Energy? Gut? Brain? and more? So many of my patients have specific thyroid concerns. Two weeks ago, we discussed that the thyroid is an adaptive organ and it helps us adapt to our changing environment. We expressed the fact that so much of our environment no longer changes because of modern […]

Expanded Definition of “Supplements”

Our definition of “supplements” is usually limited to nutritional supplements. Generally, a nutritional supplement is a product intended for ingestion that contains one or more ingredients intended to have either a supplemental effect on overall diet or perhaps a specific medicinal effect on physiology. Let’s expand our definition of supplements to include supplementing components of our environment that are beyond […]

Thyroid hormones not right? Basic truths that no one is willing to discuss.

“Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather.” – John Ruskin Most doctors, whether they are natural doctors or traditional allopathic doctors, can get stuck in the complexity of helping patients with thyroid symptoms. For example, one patient’s treatment can […]

The Body Electric

Last week we discussed that the impact food has on our body is not purely biochemical; rather, the ultimate purpose of our food is to provide us with a supply of electrons in a high-energy state to power the energy needs of our body. We alluded to the idea that understanding what contributes to the flow and supply of electrons in […]

Everybody is talking about vitamin D. Here’s what you need to know.

There is a lot of buzz about vitamin D among doctors, lay media, and alternative health providers. Is there a real health concern here? The answer is YES. Here is what you need to know. Vitamin D is technically not a vitamin, it is a hormone made by the body. It is made from cholesterol; yes, cholesterol is important for […]

How to Win Survival of the Fittest

We have made rapid changes to our environment over the past 200 years⎯most significantly over the past 20-40 years. These changes are causing our bodies to attempt to adapt. However, we are failing to adapt adequately enough, resulting in modern or “neolithic” chronic diseases that are bankrupting societies and causing a type of suffering never seen in human history. Some of […]