Lung and Heart function Archives - Page 2 of 2 - Dr. Steven Geanopulos

Dr. Steven Geanopulos


Why Tylenol should be avoided by everyone

Let’s stop beating around the bush. Tylenol should be avoided by everyone, especially pregnant women and children. Read on to learn about Tylenol’s contribution to: Depression Anxiety Autoimmune disease ADHD Autism More…. Tylenol is a brand name for a common over the counter pain medication called acetaminophen.  If you’ve ever had a terrible headache, back ache, or any other acute […]

Lead toxicity: Not just in Michigan. Top 5 surprising sources of lead where you live.

A mentor and colleague of mine, Dr. Chris Turnpaugh, told me a story that best illustrates something that is rarely discussed: the subject of almost any environmental toxicity such as lead, mercury and arsenic exposure, among many others. Dr. Chris told me of a case of a woman in Texas who suddenly became very ill. Her symptoms were of rapid […]

The Systemic Benefits of Coherence

This week, I’m going to share with you how simply focusing on positive emotions and breathing for 10 minutes, twice a day for 6-8 weeks can give you skills to permanently change your life in the most meaningful ways. Here are a few examples of what this simple exercise can do: Improve memory, attention and focus Relieve depression and anxiety […]

A little light dispels a lot of darkness

Can light improve my: Thyroid? Immune system / Autoimmunity? Energy? Gut? Brain? and more? So many of my patients have specific thyroid concerns. Two weeks ago, we discussed that the thyroid is an adaptive organ and it helps us adapt to our changing environment. We expressed the fact that so much of our environment no longer changes because of modern […]

5 Solutions to Indoor Air Pollution

This series of posts is dedicated to understanding how we interface with our environment. Last week we focused on the GI tract or “gut” interface and saw how it can impact different systems in the body and cause different health problems such as leaky gut and cardiovascular disease. Last week, we said that there are 3 areas where we interface […]