Immune System Archives - Page 3 of 5 - Dr. Steven Geanopulos

Dr. Steven Geanopulos


Is there a dietary lifestyle that can improve your brain and help you prevent and even fight cancer?

People who are serious about getting involved in restoring their own brain function that has been lost or diminished due to brain fog, lyme, trauma, early Alzheimer’s dementia, PTSD, parkinson’s, CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy) or post concussion syndrome, autoimmunity, and MS often ask what they should eat.   My answer to this question is usually preceded by me asking, “are […]

Top 10 rituals for being happy and healthy 5 years after Hashimotos

Its been nearly 5 years since I first learned that the health challenges of my mid to late 30’s were due to autoimmune disease, including but not limited to hashimotos (autoimmune reaction against thyroid tissue.).  I am happy to report I am in my mid 40’s, more productive, excited about my career and future than ever, physically  as fit as […]

How can Greek Easter save you from Inflammatory bowel disease like Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis?

I want to share with you the healthy rationale behind our traditional Greek Orthodox Easter feast and how it can impact inflammatory bowel disease.  The inspiration for this post came from one of my guests.  Growing up the son of Greek immigrants in Queens NY, it is hard to tell who in the community is family or not family.  If […]

Supplements: Harmful or Helpful?

Can nutritional supplements be ‘not helpful’ or even harmful?  How recent breakthroughs in understanding the immune system can shed some light on a very controversial topic. Brain research has taken us in a very unpredictable direction.  20 years ago I could not have predicted that the study of brain and nervous system function would have led me to an ever […]

How does Turmeric fight Cancer and other diseases?

Research done on plant based products for condition like cancer must determine if the intervention has preventive effects for cancer or chemotherapeutic benefits for cancer.  Since 1987 over 1000 potential plant based agents have been identified as being a benefit to cancer and of those about 40 have moved to clinical trials.  Keep in mind the motivation to study plant […]

When it come to Lyme and “lyme like diseases”, what you and your doctor don’t know may harm you

Contradictions in policy and ignorance of research by institutions we are supposed to trust with our health is resulting in misery and suffering. People suffering chronic symptoms, suffer needlessly.  Standards of care determined by political organizations who claim to have public health interests in mind, result in the application of blanket recommendations to individuals regardless of differences in their history, […]