Gut & Brain Health Archives - Page 5 of 7 - Dr. Steven Geanopulos

Dr. Steven Geanopulos


The Systemic Benefits of Coherence

This week, I’m going to share with you how simply focusing on positive emotions and breathing for 10 minutes, twice a day for 6-8 weeks can give you skills to permanently change your life in the most meaningful ways. Here are a few examples of what this simple exercise can do: Improve memory, attention and focus Relieve depression and anxiety […]

A little light dispels a lot of darkness

Can light improve my: Thyroid? Immune system / Autoimmunity? Energy? Gut? Brain? and more? So many of my patients have specific thyroid concerns. Two weeks ago, we discussed that the thyroid is an adaptive organ and it helps us adapt to our changing environment. We expressed the fact that so much of our environment no longer changes because of modern […]

Cholesterol and Our Kids: Top 10 Facts You Need To Know

The stimulus of this post is a news story out of Medpage titled, U.S. Youth Have Serious Cholesterol Problem. The article discusses the current thoughts of the American Academy of Pediatrics on Dyslipidemia (abnormal cholesterol and fats in blood) in children ages 9-11. When I saw this headline, it reinforced the fear and alarm I feel whenever I see a […]

Vitamin A: Rethinking Retinol

Weight loss. Fatigue. Thyroid hormone health. Autoimmunity. Leaky gut syndrome. Depression and mood disorders. It is very important to understand the role of vitamin A in your life. Early symptoms of vitamin A deficiency could be any one of the above, but the official symptom for early detection of vitamin A deficiency is difficulty with night vision or night blindness. […]

Would you eat meat if you had cancer?

This morning, a friend of mine asked me, “If you had cancer, would you continue to eat meat?” My answer was, unequivocally, YES. Yesterday, my patient Stephanie told me that the children in her school were moving toward vegetarianism after watching the documentary film Forks Over Knives. She asked me for my thoughts on the subject. Earlier this week, I […]

The Body/Environment Interface

I am going to simplify a very complicated process: Where we interact with our environment will determine how healthy or how sick we are. There are 3 areas where we interface with our environment in a way that will impact virtually every system in our body. If we are able to adapt, then these areas will be healthy. If the […]