Do you have the 9 characteristics found in nearly 100% of people who have experienced remission of a terminal disease? - Dr. Steven Geanopulos

Dr. Steven Geanopulos

Do you have the 9 characteristics found in nearly 100% of people who have experienced remission of a terminal disease?

Posted on March 26, 2016 by Dr. G

“We cannot expect to restore our health in the same environment that caused us to lose our health”  

The above statement, in order to be true, must rely on the fact that your environment contributed to your diseased state.  The latest science tells us that the environment plays a dominant role in nearly every chronic disease at a ratio that is at the minimum 70% – 30% in favor of environmental contribution over genetic contribution.  It is the intention of the education offered on this site to address the 70% that you can impact yourself.  This 70% is the portion that your traditional doctor is not necessarily trained to address.

Research tells us that the following 3 statements are true about chronic disease (cancer, diabetes, MS, parkinson’s, alzheimer’s, etc.

All too often the cancer treatments focus on one of the above 3 statements.  Perhaps the doctors are trained to specialize in one or it appears that the diagnostics and evidence places a higher priority on one over the other two.  I believe attention should be paid to all three.

Yes, you can help yourself.  

No, we do not ask you to become a doctor, we merely ask you to become an expert in yourself and what you require to express health.  Your body is your responsibility, the portion of your body that is healthy can crowd out the portion that is sick.  If the sick portion needs conventional treatment, then that is your decision and up to the people and doctors you trust to address it.  Your conventional doctors, however do not assume the role of changing the environmental factors that allowed the diseased state to thrive.

When receiving conventional treatment, and you choose to incorporate alternative care,  it is very important that you communicate to your team exactly what you intend to do.  Some doctors are very supportive of alternatives and there are programs that exist where alternative therapies listed here are part of the standard of care.  

There are hospitals and  treatment facilities that encourage their patients to change nothing about their lifestyle while receiving care.  Hospitals that are research facilities, who use advanced therapies that are part of a research trial, will strongly encourage their patients to change nothing about their personal environment, diet, supplements, alternatives therapies, etc.  Not because they are dangerous, but rather because in a research environment, these changes are considered confounding variables that interfere with the research project.  The more variables not controlled by the team, the less valid the research becomes.  So in an effort to accurately assess the effectiveness of the treatment being studied, they encourage no other intervention of any kind.  If I put myself in the researchers shoes, I understand that logic, I think, but there is something wrong with that logic when you are talking about you or a family member.

Personally, I am not interested in confounding variables, I am interested in restoring health, nothing more.  I will do anything that has been shown to have benefit, and which is based on rational scientific principles for improving the environment for healthy cells to thrive and at the same time create an environment that is hostile for the diseased cells.  Therefore I am interested in a metabolic approach, an immunologic approach and a genetic/epigenetic approach.  I want to address health from every direction, not one single-minded approach.

This is not a war

This may sound like semantics, but I believe it is very important.  I recognize that declaring war implies that your intention is victory over the enemy.  In this case the enemy is cancer.  Making a declaration is the first step to winning that war.  We meet people with bumper stickers and tattoos with slogans like “I hate cancer”.  

If that kind thought process works for you, great, don’t change a thing, however, If that type of thought process does not resonate with you, perhaps it makes you feel uneasy or if the language and emotions of war are not working for you consider the following.  

A declaration of “war” against an “enemy” could be misguided energy.  Diseased cells, like cancer cells are not foreign invaders to be expelled.  They are you; they are your cells.  Declaring war on yourself can be a problem.  With war analogies comes all of the negative emotions of hate, anger, distrust to name a few.  Even when one wins a war there is loss, regret and lingering feelings of guilt and fear.  With war comes desires for destruction; in this case,destruction of what is ultimately you.  I know that when you discover how the immune system works you may find that the war analogy may seem appropriate.  But perhaps it would be better to consider the cells of your body to be like your children.  

You have taken the time to raise your children with values, manners and education that makes them grow into happy, productive contributing members of society.  Sometimes, through no foreseeable fault of your own, some of your children rebel excessively and engage in self destructive behavior.  Destructive to themselves and ultimately the family.  In order to make the family healthy and whole, you would not want to declare war on the rebellious misbehaving child, instead you would approach that child in a strong manner, tough love as they say.

I think you can see where I am going with this.  You would not approach that destructive child with fear and you certainly would not use language of “war” when discussing how to best deal with them.  Think about how far we’ve gotten declaring a “war of drugs” or “war on terrorism”.  

Your mindset is too important in the healing process.  Spending time on this and getting it right is worth your energy and time.  

According to Kelly Turner PhD there are 9 factors that most influences what she calls “radical remission”.  Kelly Turner spent over 10 years studying over 1000 cases of spontaneous remission from cancers that have a less than 25% 5 year survival rate.  Her book is called Radical Remission, there she tells the stories of specific people who have specific examples of how each of the characteristics of radical remission were experienced by them.  She studied over 75 commonalities that were statistically significant, but the following 9 were present in nearly 100% of the cases.

Remission is experienced in one of 3 different situations resulting in a statistically unexpected positive outcome.  

  1. The patient chooses to avoid conventional medicine altogether and opts for alternative care only.
  2. The patient tries conventional medicine only and when it fails they switch to alternative medicine completely.
  3. The patient concurrently follows the recommendations of conventional medicine and alternative medicine at the same time.

Listed here are the 9 characteristics enumerated by Dr. Turner.  For a more complete understanding of Dr. Turner’s work please read her book.

radical remission book1. Radically changing your diet.

2.Taking control of your health.

3. Following your intuition.

4. Using herbs and supplements.

5. Releasing suppressed emotions.

6. Increasing positive emotions.

7. Embracing social support.

8. Deepening your spiritual connection.

9. Having strong reasons for living.


Thanks for reading!

Dr. G

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