Featured Archives - Dr. Steven Geanopulos

Dr. Steven Geanopulos


What Research Says about Intermittent Fasting

If you’ve read my most recent posts you might’ve gotten the idea that starving yourself is a new form of treatment for nearly everything. That’s only partially true… Without going too deep into the science, I’d like to take this moment to explain some concepts and review some research that is relevant to this conversation. Previous posts have discussed how […]

Are you tapping into Oil or Gas?

What is your ‘Why?’ Welcome back to my three-part weight loss series, where I go over how to achieve your ideal weight while still maintaining good and healthy habits in your daily routine. You may have started practicing intermittent fasting and slowly applying it to a few days out of the week. Or you may be waiting for some more […]

Timed Feeding or Intermittent Fasting?: It’s Semantics.

Call it what you like. Welcome back to my three part weight loss series, where I go over how to achieve your ideal weight while still maintaining good and healthy habits in your daily routine. Hopefully you’ve spent the last week exploring the supermarket for new flavors and aromas and exploring recipes and videos online for “paleo” style versions of […]

Want to lose weight? Change your genes.

Want to lose weight? Change your genes.  No, we are not talking about manipulating your DNA in a laboratory.  At least, I am not. I’m not very trusting that researchers will take into account all of the factors that 600 million years of evolution (and perhaps the hand of God) did. I know there are teams of researchers in labs […]

My Podcast on The Centre for Epigenetic Expression

The Centre for Epigenetic Expression is a chiropractic think-tank created by Dr. Wanda Lee MacPhee, Dr. Michael Acanfora, and Dr. Noah DeKoyer. These wellness-based chiropractors have a combined 40+ years of experience working with tens of thousands of patients in Nova Scotia, Canada and Hudson County, New Jersey, USA. The seeds for The Centre for Epigenetic Expression have been sown […]

My Article on Hypothyroid Mom

Click here for my full article on Hypothyroid Mom