6 reasons everyday “healthy” food is causing chronic inflammation and diseases as severe as cancer. - Dr. Steven Geanopulos

Dr. Steven Geanopulos

6 reasons everyday “healthy” food is causing chronic inflammation and diseases as severe as cancer.

Posted on February 22, 2016 by Dr. G

“While today’s modern diet may provide beneficial protection from micro and macronutrient deficiencies, our overabundance of calories and the macronutrients that compose our diet may all lead to increased inflammation, reduced control of infection, increased rates of cancer, and increased risk for allergic and auto inflammatory (autoimmune) disease.” – Nutr J. 2014 June 17, 13:61


Chronic states of inflammation are so prevalent in todays modern industrialized food culture, that the effects of chronic inflammation are being realized with dramatic increases in the incidence of autoimmune diseases and even cancer.

1/5 of the American population believes, based on their symptoms and experience, they have one or more food sensitivities or allergy.  Food sensitivities and food allergies differ in that the food allergy is an immediate response, like a tickling in back of throat, closed airway, skin reaction, watery eyes or nose, among others.  A food sensitivity is more of a delayed response, such as “I had some cheese on Sunday and I experienced a migraine on Wednesday, or mucus congestion, skin reaction, bran fog, pain, depression etc. Food sensitivities are more difficult to identify.  Food allergies are more obvious.  

The food allergy is what’s called an IgE (Immunoglobulin E) immediate response.  Delayed food sensitivities are more of an IgA and or IgG response.  The different immunoglobulin’s, G, A, M & E, are analogous to different branches of the military (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines) they have different functions in different parts of the body.  They are produced, or should be produced in response to what the body perceives as a threat, like a flu virus, or dangerous bacteria.  

When we have antibodies produced in the presence of common everyday foods, it creates a state of inflammation in the gut where the food is processed, resulting in a “flu” like response to the food.  We can become sensitive to any protein, such as our own proteins (self tissue) resulting in an autoimmune response or pollen from trees and plants or mold in the home, resulting in environmental allergies, or food proteins resulting in food sensitivities.  

It seems pretty obvious that these sensitivities, allergies and auto-immunities are more and more common and that is not in dispute.  The question we have is why.  There are several reasons why and their additive effect is more likely the problem than just one.  

1. Essential fatty acid balance:

Animals fed a “farm diet” that is not appropriate to that animals genetics will over produce omega 6 and under produce omega 3.  For example, corn or grain fed beef or soy fed chicken affecting poultry and eggs.  In this case the ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 becomes abnormal and we will experience inflammation (excessive immune response).   

2. Loss of oral tolerance & Cross-reactivity:

      • Food to food:  The immune system can see a protein (peptide) sequence from a large undigested protein like gliadin (gluten) from wheat or casein from dairy, and mistake that for an identical peptide sequence found in either another food (egg, soy, potato, etc.)
      • Food to self tissue: The immune system can see a protein (peptide) sequence from a large undigested protein like gliadin (gluten) from wheat or casein from dairy, and mistake that for an identical peptide sequence found in any tissue in your body, thyroid, brain, cerebellum, skin, etc.  Resulting in the likelihood of developing an autoimmune disease (Hashimoto’s, MS, lupus, eczema, etc.)

For reasons I will state below, we have a problem with cross reactivity and loss of oral tolerance in the modern industrialized state.  The USA, Canada, Europe and now many of the Asian Pacific nations who are living and eating more like us.

3. Raw vs. Cooked:

4. Food combining:

5. Digestion:

6. Food additives, GMO’s and fossil fuel driven food supply:

If you were to do the “proper” testing and discover all of the foods you were sensitive to and remove them, along with removing environmental toxins and triggers, research tells us that after 6 months of being very strict, you would get a maximum of 75% restoration of gut function and reduced inflammation.  That is not enough.  

On the other hand if you were to add to the equation specific nutrients and nutra-ceuticals that have been shown to address:

In a pattern specific to your history, exam findings and test results; it has been shown you could have up to 100% resolution and repair in as little as 12 weeks in some cases and 6 months in others.  Either way, you could experience dramatic symptoms relief in just a few weeks letting you know you are headed in the right direction.  

Determining the right path forward requires proper testing which usually includes a comprehensive wellness blood test and one or more predictive antibody tests performed by laboratories with reproducible results (due to split testing of all samples), protein samples that have been purified in the raw and cooked fashion in which they enter our bodies.

Thanks for reading!
Dr. G


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